Trying an Iceman Bath for the first time

ice man ice bath

Balls of steel

Sounds great but you don’t need them.

People from all walks of life are taking Ice Baths around the world and it’s nothing new.

Ice Baths have been used for therapeutic benefits for a long time and the with the recent rise of the Ice Bath and publication of the benefits of cold thermogenesis, there's no more secrets.

Guy like Wim Hof have simply brought attention to this great method of hacking our very own biology, what's more anyone can do it.

Getting started with the Iceman Bath

Please exit the Ice Bath if you do not feel safe at any time.

Below is a protocol for you to practice with a friend and under supervision.

  1. Prepare yourself and stay calm
  2. Ensure you have assistance and the environment is safe
  3. Now for your first attempt, enter the Iceman Bath and aim for just 30 seconds
  5. Note, how does it feel, the sensations, the experience, the stillness
  6. If you feel good, continue to 60 seconds
  7. Again, stay in the moment
  8. Still feeling good?, let’s go for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, and you feel good, slowly stand up and exit the Iceman Ice Bath
  9. Now, slowly warm up the body using slow warm up techniques such as the horse stance or other by creating tension in the longer muscles and slowly twist and move your arms and flow.
  10. Continue until the body has gained temperature.

NOTE: Always follow the Iceman Bath Instructional Videos and Demonstrations.

By utilising the correct protocol, we can go against apparent danger and embrace discomfort.

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